Click on link below to download the FREE PDF 2019 – A Look at April Ahead – Handout*…
In April you can look forward to a ‘polarity shift in your values’ at the beginning of the month.
Get ready to let go of ‘conservative structures and a reputation from the past’ that is no longer working
for you. It’s time to “dive in”, trust your intuitive ‘feminine’ compass, and empower your authority in your
‘future home’. Growth of financial, material or ‘love’ values, bring in hard work and changes in contracts
or agreements with partners. Plan for a holding pattern by mid month, with ‘delays in growth’ to determine
the ‘right’ direction for your life plan; restructure your foundation and reorient yourself. Are your expansion
efforts inline with your soul inspiration and purpose? … And much more!!
Find out ‘how’, ‘when’ and ’where’ the planets may be influencing YOUR life (based on your sun sign).
Get ready to let go of ‘conservative structures and a reputation from the past’ that is no longer working
for you. It’s time to “dive in”, trust your intuitive ‘feminine’ compass, and empower your authority in your
‘future home’. Growth of financial, material or ‘love’ values, bring in hard work and changes in contracts
or agreements with partners. Plan for a holding pattern by mid month, with ‘delays in growth’ to determine
the ‘right’ direction for your life plan; restructure your foundation and reorient yourself. Are your expansion
efforts inline with your soul inspiration and purpose? … And much more!!
Find out ‘how’, ‘when’ and ’where’ the planets may be influencing YOUR life (based on your sun sign).
* Please contact me directly at if you are interested receiving the power point and 120 min audio lecture of this presentation.
An $18 fee will apply.