In May, you can look forward to…Changing Partnerships and Agreements – RELEASING OLD – FOR NEW VALUES ARE IN-STORE… It’s Time for Action! PAST RESPONSIBILITIES ARE CALLING.
In MAY 2019, we will be ‘Letting Go’ of outdated behaviors, services, relationships and desires. Reorienting daily schedules and habits, to build a new foundation and agreement suited for ‘BOTH’.
• Delays in outer expressions of ‘authority’, to restructure inner operations – to align with or resolve direction – of ‘determined’ life plan.
• Yielding to facts/goals of NEW perceptions of ‘reality’ – A new focus on future with partner’s support alters home/family and public life commitments. Limitations on personal expansion of goals and partners resources, brings in discussions to ’merge’, dissolve differences and create a new dream together.
• And much more!
Find out ‘how’, ‘when’ and ’where’ the planets may be influencing YOUR life (based on your sun sign).