The USA Pluto Return – Reboot of Purpose. Power. Privilege.

The USA Pluto Return – Reboot of Purpose. Power. Privilege.

We are currently in the throws of the USA Pluto Return. By the end of 2023, The United States will have completed the expression of what our founding fathers established her ‘ideology’ to be. The United States is in the process of being reborn. Who will we become? A...

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Uranus – Catapulting Humanity Into the Renaissance

Uranus – Catapulting Humanity Into the Renaissance

Creatively or radically, 2022 is set to bring in sudden excitements or upsets to overthrow comfortable structures in our communities. This year will ‘force’ us to let go of spells of the past. New discoveries, understandings and opportunities to re-stabilize our...

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2023 Astrological Desk Calendars – A Look at the Year Ahead

2023 Astrological Desk Calendars – A Look at the Year Ahead

Great For Planning Ahead all Year with Astrological Insight and/or a Great Gift for your Metaphysical Friends. A complete astrological overview of 2023 at a glance, highlighting significant alignments, retrogrades, eclipses and more. Also includes general descriptions...

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The 12 Faces of Venus

The 12 Faces of Venus

Who is Venus? What is she looking for in our lives, our relations, in love? A look at twelve ways we ‘bond’ and ‘relate’ within our relationships and the world we live in. We’ll cover how we experience her energy natally, and as she transits. Plus a bonus of how the...

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The Summer Solstice Brings Awareness of Extreme Change

The Summer Solstice Brings Awareness of Extreme Change

June is a very potent month, filled with ‘community concerns,’ and an undercurrent of mystery behind social communications. Lets take a deeper look at tensions in the air, our lives and in the USA. We may be rethinking our new voyage… via emotional values, growth and...

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Jupiter Enters Pisces

Jupiter Enters Pisces

It’s time to look to the future with optimism, grace, acceptance and forgiveness. Allow yourself to take those steps forward, embrace the unknown and create new dreams! Great changes are ahead, endings, and the beginning of a new voyage… Learn how and where Jupiter...

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Uranus Squares in 2021. Working the New Paradigm Into Our Life

Uranus Squares in 2021. Working the New Paradigm Into Our Life

New discoveries and understandings, waking-up the need to change material securities in 2021. Learn how significant squares to Uranus awaken our values. Creatively, radically, with sudden breaks or in overthrowing structures overall -- to break through the spells of...

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